Tuesday, August 14, 2012

DIY 3-in-1 Headband, Bracelet or Belt in less then 10 minutes!

So I found this ugly old belt form back in the day and decided I'd do an easy, quick and simple DIY that can really be multi purpose. I know this is pretty simple but it might help inspire you to turn some of your old accessories into something new and trendy :)

-An old belt/accessory with suede cording OR you can use regular suede cording from a craft store
-Needle and Thread --> You can use a glue gun instead if that's quicker for you

1. Take apart your old accessory or if your using new cording, measure out the appropriate length for what your making. I'm making a bracelet so I wrapped it twice around my arm and cut there

2. Cut 3 identical pieces

4. Attach the pieces to a clip board or a clip and braid girl, braid!

5. Once your at your desired length,  sow the ends together. This is really quick for me but if you want to use a glue gun or even a tiny elastic in a rush - feel free to :)

6. Your done! Now you can use this as a headband, a bracelet, even a revamped belt. If you have extra time you can add beads etc.

Give it a try if you want an easy diy :)

Miss Beyond Beauty

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